Waterfalls of the Sanguenay Fjord

September 27, 2011

One of the biggest and best surprises of our trip to the Saguenay Fjord was the many waterfalls we paddled by each day.  As you will see from the video, the cliffs along the fjord are very high, some over a thousand feet I’m told.  And the environment is very wet, almost like a northern rainforest.  The water that accumulates high above the fjord has to go some place, and it comes cascading down in waterfalls big and small.  Even when you can’t see them because they’re shrouded in forest, you can hear them on the water.  The sound is lovely. 

        Some of the waterfalls are very high.  Some branch into many cascades.  Some look small, but looks can be deceiving.  The videos of some of the waterfalls make them look small.  But if you look closely at some of the images, you will see a kayak nearby.  The waterfall makes the kayak look tiny.  Some of the boulders are big as houses, others the size of cars.  The waterfalls of the Saguenay Fjord were a wonderful surprise.

 © Don Yackel 2020